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by Maharashtra Government vide G.R. 2017/173/2017/M-7 dated October 7, 2017for
the State.
Geo-Portal is one part of the information systems which can help in
disseminating spatial and non-spatial information. Geo-Portal is a specially designed
website that integrates information from diverse sources like email, SMS, mobile,
search engine, etc. together in a uniform way to be served as a single point of access
for information. The GIS web Geo-Portal functions as a web-based gateway to
integrate these distributed geographic resources.
The aim and objective of the project “Geo-Portalon Drought Assessment in
Maharashtra” are as follows:
1. To develop integrated web based Geo-Portal for Early Warning & Drought
Assessment in Maharashtra
2. To develop Android based mobile app for ground truth data collection with
required attributes embedded in it.
3. To integrate the data from various sources with the web Geo-Portal for
visualization, query, monitoring, and management and timely dissemination
of the Drought information.
Scientific Indicators & Parameters For Drought Declaration: Methodology, as per
the Drought Manual, 2016 and as adopted in G.R., there are major two categories of
indices recommended for developing a monitoring matrix for droughtviz.,
• Mandatory indicators and
• Impact Indicators.
1. Mandatory Indicators
Rainfall is the most important consideration in the determination of drought. A
departure in rainfall from its normal value in terms of volume and distribution is
considered as fairly credible indicator of drought. In addition, other indicators such as
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