Page 12 - GVMP
P. 12

Geo-referencing of Village Maps Project

  Project Area -                          MAHARASHTRA STATE
  Villages -                              44713  in 33 Districts ( Excluding Mumbai city & Mumbai Suburb)

  Cadastral  Maps Sheets -                75,000 (Av.  of  1.5 sheets per  Village)
  Time frame  -                           2 ½  YEARS
  Manpower    -                          75,000 Man days involving  100 TECHNICAL PERSONS.

                    Original Cadastral Map                                       Geo-referenced Cadastral Map                              Mosaic of  Geo-referenced  Cadastral Maps
                    of Land Records Dept.                                              with Satellite data                                         Over laid on Satellite data

                                                                                                                                                                           MRSAC,Nagpur ©®
                                                                                                                                                                            MRSAC,Nagpur ©®
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