Page 2 - LULC-15-16
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National Land Use Land Cover Mapping Using Multi-

                                             Temporal Satellite Data
                                                (3  Cycle)-2015-16


                         Land use and land cover is an important component to understand global land
                   status; it shows present as well as past status of the earth surface. Nowadays, land
                   use land cover analysis plays an important role in the field of environmental science
                   and natural resource management. The Land cover reflects the biophysical of state of
                   the earth’s surface and immediate surface, including the soil material, vegetation and
                   water. Land use refers to utilization of land resources by human beings and land cover
                   changes often reflects the most significant impact on environment due to excessive
                   human  activities.  Land  use  and  land  cover  is  dynamic  in  nature  and  provides  a
                   comprehensive  understanding  of  the  interaction  and  relationship  of  anthropogenic
                   activities with the environment. Land use/cover changes also involve the modification,
                   either direct or indirect, of a natural habitat and their impact on the ecology of the area.
                   Land  use/cover change  has become  a  central component  in  current  strategies for
                   managing natural resource and monitoring environmental changes. Land use/cover
                   pattern of a region gives information about the natural and socio-economic factors,
                   human  livelihood  and  development.  Like  other  resources,  land  resource  is  also
                   delimiting due to very high demand of agricultural products and increasing population
                   pressure day by day. Hence, information of land use/cover and possibilities of their
                   optimal use is essential for the selection, planning and implementation of the land use
                   schemes to meet the increasing human needs and welfare. This also provides the
                   information  for  managing  dynamics  of  land  use  and  meeting  the  demands  of
                   increasing human population.


                         National Remote Sensing Centre, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO),
                   Department of Space, Government of India in collaboration with various State, Central
                   Government Departments and Institutions has completed first and second cycle of
                   LULC 50K interpretation using Resource-sat LISS III data of 2005-06 and 2011-12
                   respectively  using  NNRMS  Level-III  classification  system  on  1:50,000  scale.
                   Establishing  the  Natural  Resources  Repository  (NRR)  is  the  overall  goal  under
                   NNRMS. Reliable database on the spatial spread and monitoring the dynamics of the
                   land use/land cover is the basic prerequisite for planning and implementing various
                   developmental activities. Apart from this, nationwide land use information becomes

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