Page 3 - LULC-15-16
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important from the point of view of addressing changing pattern in land use/land cover
                   in addition to overall reporting on the nation’s land use/land cover scenario.


               •  The scope of work under the 3rd Cycle Land Use/Land Cover project was to update
                   land use/land cover vector of 2011-12 for Maharashtra State using ortho-rectified three
                   season Resource-sat LISS III data of 2015–16.
               •  Areas with major changes were identified and depiction to arrive at land use/land cover
                   changes from 2005-06 to 2011-12 to 2015-16.
               •  Preparation of report containing category-wise change statistics; spatial distribution of
                   change and other ancillary information like ground truth point file along with ground


               •  Seamless land use/land cover layer of 2015-16 for the State and each of the districts
                   in geodatabase format (.mdb and .gdb) along with statistics and cross-matrix.
               •  Land use/land cover change map between 2011-12 and 2015-16 along with change
                   statistics and cross-matrix table;
               •  Map compositions; point layer in GIS status report for the State.
               •  Geo-tagged photographs especially for the LULC change areas (to be uplinked to
                   Bhuvan through mobile application provided by NRSC).
               •  Administrative layer containing district boundary, district name in GIS format.
               •  Base layer containing major roads, railway line and drainage.
               •  District-wise/state-wise reports, with specific reference to information to LULC change


                     Various Maharashtra State Government Departments

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