Page 4 - GVMP
P. 4


                        Tracing and scanning

                        The village maps procured from Land Records Department (LRD) for each tahsil are traced
                        wherever required before scanning in case it is torn, mutilated or not legible.

                        The maps are then scanned with the following specifications:

                                             ➢ Maps are scanned at 200 dpi Black/White mode.

                                             ➢ The image are stored in Tiff format *.TIF

                                             ➢ The image orientation is upright.

                                             ➢ The image file is cleaned and de-speckled to remove noise.

                                             ➢ Feature legibility at 1X (Zoom factor) is good.

                                             ➢ Measured length and width within the bounding box is +0.1% of the map

                                                  manuscript measurements.

                                                                                                                                                                           MRSAC,Nagpur ©®
                                                                                                                                                                            MRSAC,Nagpur ©®
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