Page 6 - DGPS
P. 6
If the PDOP/GDOP is exceed the limit of accuracy, then it should be
resurveyed or relocated, it is also a scope of part. This will not consider as a
fresh point.
Clear visibility of sky above 20° (in some cases above 15°) of altitude all
around the site.
No planimetric point should be selected near high tension power lines.
Multi-path to be avoided. Multipath is the effect of unwanted reflected
satellite signals that are received by the antenna. This problem is most
severe when the antenna is placed near a chain link fence or another metal
structure or a nearby parked vehicle.
GPS observations by radial/offset methods shall not be allowed (except in
exceptional cases it may be permitted by the MRSAC technical team).
Observations shall be made by approved network Plan. Use of well-
conditioned figures in the network plan is essential. The network should
contain figures of braced quadrilaterals or simple triangles. If more than 4
GPS receivers are used for observations in nearby locations
simultaneously, it is important to use only the base line vectors as per the
approved network plan during computation.
MRSAC,Nagpur ©®
MRSAC,Nagpur ©®