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Maharashtra Remote Sensing Application Centre


Forecasting Sugarcane Production at Mill Command Area in Maharashtra Using Satellite Remote Sensing & Ground based Observation.

    Project is proposed with an overall goal to forecast sugarcane biomass using the satellite remote sensing and ancillary information. Many methods are in use to estimate the sugarcane biomass production based on the field survey, ground sampling, crop simulation model and spectral model with remotely sensed input. Each method has advantages and drawbacks. Hence all the existing methodology for yield estimation at spatial and regional scale will be compared and the best method will be suggested for implementation. The sugarcane fields in India are characterized by highly variable climatic conditions, soil types and farming practices. It is proposed to assess the Sugar Cane area and other features of Sugar Cane by utilizing Remote Sensing Technology for Maharashtra using Remote Sensing and Ground based observations. The Sugarcane area will be derived at cadastral level using time series data, which would contain information related to different growth stages of Sugarcane.