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Maharashtra Remote Sensing Application Centre


Remote sensing and gis based mapping for water supply and sanitation (wss) using high resolution satellite data

    Water is most precious natural resource for the planet earth and essential for human and other living organisms, industries, agriculture etc. However, with the increasing day by day demand and limited natural resources, a pressure is mounting towards conservative use of this precious natural resource. Judicious planning of water source and its distribution to all is challenging task. In this endeavor, the latest innovative technology of Remote Sensing, GIS, GPS and mobile has opened up new vistas of adopting Geo-spatial database for effective planning and execution of Water Supply Schemes.

    Realizing the potential of the Geo-spatial database, the Water Supply and Sanitation Department (WSSD) has decided to entrust the work of Integrated approach of Designing, development of Geo-spatial technology based activities in mapping of Drinking Water Sources, its related Assets, Linkage with Water Quality Monitoring and MIS database for the entire state to the Maharashtra Remote Sensing Application Centre (MRSAC), an autonomous body of Planning Department, Government of Maharashtra.