Page 2 - Mahagenco-Estate
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Mapping of Mahagenco Estate for Koradi & Khaperkheda Thermal Power

                  Stations, Nagpur District, Maharashtra State by using VHR satellite data


                       Electricity is the most desired and mandatory resource for development of economy. Maharashtra

               is blessed with lot of Fossil fuel resources in abundance. This has led to development of coal mines in

               the Vidarbha area in particular, situated on the Gondwanas supergroup of rocks.  The utilizations of coal

               for Thermal power generation are carried out by MAHAGENCO in its 7 Thermal Power Stations spread

               over  multiple  locations  in  the  State  of  Maharashtra.  Koradi  &Khaperkheda  Thermal  Power  Stations

               situated in Kamthi, Saoner, Parseoni and Nagpur Rural taluka of Nagpur district, Maharashtra state.

                       However, with the increasing day-by-day demand of electricity and limited natural space, a pressure

               is mounting towards conservative use of the available land of MAHAGENCO. Similarly, alternative energy

               usage ideas and concepts are picking up fast on day-to-day basis. The abundantly available resource of

               ASH, which is the byproduct of Thermal energy generation, was a waste till date.  However, with the

               alternative thinking process and upcoming ideas of utilization of all the resources available at the disposal,

               has made it as useful utility. Development of ASH BASED PROCUCT CLUSTERS is an innovative idea

               which has picked up in recent times. In line, MAHAGENCO &MAHAGAMS have come up with mapping

               of its estate and make judicious use of its available land resources. Hence, MRSAC has been requested

               to help by mapping their property.

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