Page 3 - Mahagenco-Estate
P. 3


               The objective of the proposed consultancy services is mapping of Mahagenco Estate (land) situated at

               Koradi and Khaperkheda TPS of MAHAGENCO by using VHR Satellite data.


                   •  MAHAGENCO, Government of Maharashtra will identify a NODAL OFFICER for coordinating the

                       project with MRSAC. Coordinating Scientist of MRSAC and the Nodal Officer will jointly execute the


                   •  Koradi & Khaperkheda Thermal Power Plant will be taken up as pilot project on priority. After the
                       full and final acceptance of the database and the standards of the pilot project the work for the

                       remaining power plants will be initiated in phased manner.

                   •  With the support of Civil / Estate departments of MAHAGENCO, the nodal officer will provide all the

                       available maps and ancillary information to MRSAC as an initiation point.

                   •  MRSAC shall work as a catalyst agency by introduction of modern GEOSPATIAL technology in the

                       domain of MAHAGENCO estate management activity.

                   •  On the basis of identified Area of Interest (AOI), VHR satellite data of 50 cm resolution shall be

                       procured from NRSC, Hyderabad. For the Archival data of 6 months old period the minimum area

                       to be procured in 50 sq. km., whereas it is 100 sq. km for the fresh data acquisition. The 50 or 100

                       sq. km. data will be acquired based on the center point of the Koradi and Khaparkheda power plant.

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